80. When should you stop talking?

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Learn to recognize closing signals the buyer sends you... then stop talking and make the sale. How does he or she tip you off that this is the time to close? By asking for your price at the end of the demonstration, the iron is hot. When the objections stop, that's your cue. Repeated handling of the product is a sure sign. Close inspection of details or enthusiastic questions regarding its application to his particular requirements is another tip. When he turns to an associate and asks her opinion, it is time.

Now appears the ultimate test of your profession, knowing HOW to close when you see the sign that the prospect is ready. The sales person who knows his line and how to present it is still a rank amateur unless he has added the easy technical skill of handling the prospect at this crucial moment. Your buyer now tries to face the great decision. Lead him now into making related MINOR decisions as, "What pack size do you prefer ... how will I ship this... can I stay over another day and teach your staff how to sell this. . . will this go through a broker?"

Somewhere during the interview he has indicated an enthusiastic interest in some phase of your proposal. You were wise if you did not use it against him immediately as though you were steering your craft to please him, but held this special interest for major ammunition at the close.

Now use it! If you have been interrupted, sum up the points of your whole demonstration here, particularly if he has called in an associate at the close. Do it anyhow if you are selling to a distributor for resale; the summary suggests selling points the distributor wants for their own resale effort. Hammer away with FACTS at the close. Spot light an appeal to a satisfied user, particularly one he knows. Make him handle, or feel, or smell, or taste ... thus stimulating his possessive instinct. Bring up problems he will meet after the goods are received, as a proper way to market, or where the product will be kept in the warehouse. Use the buying alternative: "Which size would you like... of all of the premiums I offer, which would your manager like best?"

How many times in your life have you bought then and there because of a subtle suggestion by the sales person that someone else will take the article tomorrow if you do not buy now? Don't be timid about ASKING FOR THE ORDER. He or she expects you to; he or she knows you are not a "greeter" but a person hired to sell.


The hardest thing to do is ask for the sale and then to repress the fear that they will say no. So you open your mouth and keep stuttering, rambling on about whatever comes to mind. Ask for the sale and don’t make a peep until they answer. The human beings natural tendency is to say yes. Most people do not want to disappoint, so they say yes. If you stop the thought process it gives them the out to say no. Keep your trap shut and let them feel uncomfortable, no matter how long the silence lasts. Let them be the first to talk and you will either get the orfer or get permission to see them again.

Dave Ferren

I think everything has been stated very well here already. One thing that I mentioned earlier is to stop talking after you get the signature on the order. Leave the customer as soon as possible without being rude or short with him. Once you leave, he puts the subject behind him and moves on to his next challenge of running his business. If you sit around talking with him afterwards it is possible that buyer’s remorse can slip into his mind, he starts asking more questions and the sale could unravel right before your eyes.

Crocker Smith

Many sales people (especially telemarketers) lose the sale by talking too much. Listening carefully, and being sensitive to the “right moment” in the prospect’s mind for him to make a decision should let us know he has all the information necessary to sign the contract.

Paulette Clarke

After you ask your customer for the order and offer a price, don’t keep talking yourself into any holes. Give them the burden of coming up with an objection. If you did a good job of selling, they really won’t have one. Let them start the negotiating so that you have a jumping off point to counter offer and close the deal. It puts you at a disadvantage if you start whittling your price down before the customer even responds to your offer. So wisely let the customer respond to your initial offer before you go on. Don’t be scared to let them mull it over for a few moments.

Marquesa Ortega

Sometimes when both parties are done talking the Sales person tends to continue selling when they don’t need to. Many sales people need to realize there is a time to sell and a time to listen. I believe listening to the client enables you to close quicker. If you just continue to talk you will never know whether the customer is ready to close or not.

Make sure and never over talk the customer!!

Danah Parmley

Sometimes I just read a lesson and like it, but can’t really come up with something witty to say. I liked this one, and will definitely keep it in mind when I am nervously jabbering about something while I wait for the client to decide what they are doing.

Laura J. Czajka

"Do not go on talking after you ask for the order. Do not tell a funny story at the final closing moment, or introduce new goods, or leave a clutter of samples to distract attention ... do not lose your nerve and start selling your cheaper line.  Be silent."