73. How important is recognition to your customers?

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Even the person who brushes it off as being unimportant has within them a natural desire to be recognized. If you sent a greeting card to 10 people you know with only one word on it - CONGRATULATIONS - at least 8 of them would believe they did something to be recognized for.

There are many ways to give a customer recognition. It can be tied in to anything that is important to your company:

"Customer of the year"

"Largest order"

"First order"

"New item purchased"

"Customer since 1902".

The important point to keep in mind is not to wait for the end of the year, or for your company to come up with a program. Be creative and do something on your own.

It doesn't take long to take business away from a sales person who foolishly take their customers for granted. Most of the time when we call on new or prospective accounts we feel like we are bothering them or causing them some type of inconvenience. Because of this feeling we sometimes convince ourselves that it is not necessary to make the call. Just the opposite is true. Most people like to be called on by sales people. Many times their current suppliers are neglecting them, taking the business for granted. By making the call and giving them the attention that may be missing, leaves the door wide open.

Whenever targeting a new account, the best approach is to contact the daylights of them. Call them for any reason at all. Write letters. Send clippings. Take an aggressive approach and rush them half to death. It works. There is a tendency for a sales person to let up once they have the business.

Animal trainers pet and reward their animals with delicacies for acts of obedience. Children respond with joy when they are given recognition. Even vegetation grows better for those who love it.

No one seems to know Just how praise and recognition releases energy. But the fact that it does is common experience. Ever notice how, when someone pays you a sincere compliment, or thanks you for a job well done, your spirits seem to get a shot in the arm?

The lift that you get from recognition is not an illusion. Neither is it just your imagination. In some way, unknown to science, actual physical energy is released.

Recognition and appreciation is even more powerful when the person does not expect it, or necessarily feel that he or she deserves it. Think back to some time when you got a nice "thank you" from someone where it never occurred to you that any "thanks" were in order and you'll see what I mean.


In a world in which we are soo busy prospecting, identifying, proposing, and trying to close sales, I think it is imperative that we step back and remember those that have gotten us where we are and show them how much they are valued. Sometimes, I think, we get so busy trying to show potential clients how much we appreciate them in trying to “win their business”, that we tend to forget about those that are actually doing business with us daily. That makes no sense!!!  Everyone has the need to know they are valued, lets not mistakenly think that the clients that have earned our thanks and respect….. already know.

Bill Hatfield

Customers are people too. Just like us, we are looking for Recognition as well. So you know when you do something good, you want to be recognized. So now, put yourself in the customers position. To show the customers how appreciation you are of them, it is very important you let them know. Calling or dropping by to say some kind words will go a long way. You have to be look after your business, make sure the competition is not going come and take your business away.

Jim Harris

Recognition doesn’t even have to be something tangible. Most people consider recognition to be a trinket, a card, a freebie of some sort, but surprisingly a thank you phone call can do just as much. Even if you need to leave a voicemail to your customers know that you appreciate their business, it can leave quite the impression. Take 2 minutes, and call one customer a day, and before you know it, you will have called every contact, and they will feel like you gave them recognition, something that does not come along every day.

Laura J. Czajka

I am guilty of having these kinds of withdrawals about calling on certain customers because I can relate to how busy can be at time. But by showing the respect they deserve for the value of their time it is a good way to set up appointments in the future. Recognizing that a person is important and that you are willing to base your schedule around them because of the fact that you understand how important their time is, is an opportunity in your grasp.

Drew Culbreth

NEVER TAKE YOUR CLIENTS FOR GRANTED! Remember, clients want praise, recognition, and glory for giving you the business as much as you want praise, recognition and glory for earning their business.

Scott Green

Recognition is very important to you and your clients. You must show your customers how much it means to you and your business. If you don’t let your customers know how much they are appreciated they can fell like they are being used. We all need to here how much we are appreciated or needed. Call your customers and take them out for lunch and let them know that there not just another client. We need to be appreciated both when you are doing an outstanding job and when things aren’t going so great.

Laura Rice

Most people recognize their clients at the end of the year, but I think it would have more of an effect if it was done at a different time. Your clients would not be expecting anything say at the one year anniversary of their first order or if you sent them a birthday card. We just need to let our clients know that we appreciate them and want to keep their business.

Suzanne Bennett

Very important! No one likes to feel unappreciated or taken for granted. The element of surprise with creativity thrown in, will make a lasting impression on the customer. Like kids, everyone remembers the unexpected treats.

Paulette Clarke

It is always important to let your customer that their business means the world to us. I like how our invoice templates say “Thank you for your business” – which means every week we are thanking our customers.

It keeps relations and rapport positive and enhances the working relationship when your customers know that they matter to you. We like to tell our best customers how much our employees enjoy their work environment and how pleasant they are to work with. We usually get reciprocal feedback. It’s also a sales tool. If your customer knows that you value them, and of course they value you, then use them as a reference when you are selling. We have a lot of offices in small towns where everyone knows everyone and good word of mouth gets around fast.

Marquesa Ortega

Recognition to your customers has to be genuine and sincere in order for it to be effective.  It is very hard to recognize all of your customers but is a crucial step in maintaining your current clientele.  I have been updating all of my customer’s agreements for the last couple of weeks.   It gives me an opportunity to acknowledge them as being a very important customer.   I hand out note pads and pens and make sure they know I appreciate their business.   It is important to do the small things for customers in order to gain their loyalty.  Let me rephrase that.  A small thing to you, such as a thank you card can make a huge difference to your customer.

Cullin Hamm

"Harvard University released a report recently that said recognition is the most powerful motivator! Use it today and see for yourself."