66. What do politicians and insurance companies talk about?

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Politicians don't talk about needs, they talk about the future. Successful politicians use this concept of selling the future in every speech. They know that if they want to stay in office or be elected to office they have to know what the people want and build it in to every talk they give. They never like to talk about the past and very rarely address issues in the present, it's always the future. "I am your bridge to the 21st century". "Your door to the future".

A travel agent talks about a future trip that will give you a really good time. A travel agency always gives you a clear vision of where you are going, never on the trip getting there. A seven day cruise sales presentation shows you the fun you will have on board ship, all the food and entertainment you will enjoy. However, they neglect to tell you about the 7 hour flight to Puerto Rico where you meet the ship and the 4 hours you have to stand on the dock waiting in line.

Insurance companies talk about a future full of accidents, fires, floods, sickness, death and financial ruin. The insurance industries entire existence relies on selling you the future. When you buy insurance you spend thousands of dollars and have nothing in return except a piece of paper. They present you with a mental picture of what would happen to your family if you were to die. They show you how many people reach old age without any money or retirement. They give examples of the high cost of going to the hospital for surgery. The insurance companies are experts at getting a piece of your future. This does not mean that it is good or bad, it simply is the way they sell their products and services.

Lawyers talk about a future full of pain and suffering. A good lawyer is the true artist in the area of painting future pictures. They usually do it based on fear of loss. When you tell them about your concern they paint a picture of gloom by blowing your problem up to the maximum. Then, of course, they tell you how much work it would be to take care of it and, with no guarantees, will represent you for a fee.

Credit card companies talk about a future you don't have to wait for. One of the single largest goals of most people today is to have the money to pay off their credit card balances. How did so many people get in this situation where the average married couple owes around $25,000 in credit card bills. Once we look at the concept of appealing to someone's future, creating an impatience and a willingness to go in debt for things they didn't think they could live without, it is easy to understand why people borrow on their future. During the last 12 months over one million people filed personal bankruptcy to get out from under their debts.

Law enforcement talks about a future behind bars. Law enforcement is similar to the way the lawyers use this powerful concept. The worst thing that could happen to an individual is to have their future taken away from them. Every time we watch a movie where someone is put behind bars with no hope we can't help feel how that would be. If would be criminals knew for a fact that they would be caught there would be no crime. What a criminal sees is getting away with something unearned. Getting caught is hardly a possibility for them.

What do you talk to your customers about?


Features and benefits?

Or how your product or service can enhance their future?


Insurance sales has to be the epitome of sales “combat”. I’ve been approached several times throughout the last 3 decades by companies attempting to hire me to sell insurance. I honestly can’t imagine selling a product where you have to drag up all the negative things that could happen to people if you DON’T buy a product, nor can I imagine selling an expensive, ongoing schedule of payments to a person who, in exchange, receives a piece of paper…TOUGH JOB! That being said I understand the need for it.

I feel blessed to be able to work in a sales profession that deals in tangibles as well as the future. Honestly though, it’s the intangibles we look to service that set us apart as a company. Service, service, service and a partnership for positive growth with the accounts we work with.

Chris Chase

The past is done and is set in facts, the present is what we are “working” in now, the future is the only area that our mind allows us to paint the way we would want to see it.  As a sales person, if you can take your products, services, and those benefits then tap into the “future” of your customer, you will have a sale.

David Vize

Talking to the customer about the future is very important. People live by planning for the future, so that would be a great sales approach! I care about the present, what’s happening now, but I am constantly planning and headed toward the “future”.

Brooke Knight

Not all companies have needs right now when we are in front of them. Some may and that’s great but when that isn’t the case we have to let them know they will have a need our services in the future. We also want to let them know we want to be the one they turn to when that need comes up. We can also tell them that our services and prices can greatly impact the future of their business by offering outstanding service while helping them save money.

Brandon Sanchez

The majority of sales goes right along with selling the future. You could anything if you can tie it directly into a future with benefits. People want the future and work hard preparing and detailing every little part of it. Why, because people seem to rest easier when they think the future is planned for. If you can fit your product into that picture, you already have your foot in the door.

Matthew Thacker

Painting a pretty picture for the future is a great way to make a sale. Most companies focus on the future of the company rather than the present. When making a presentation I try to stay away from the price as long as I can. This is not because our prices are through the roof, because they are not. It I because I want my customers to appreciate what my services will do for their company before they even think about price. If you can achieve this, you may be able to sell your services at a slightly higher margin. If I can paint a pretty picture of the future my chances of making the sell increase dramatically.

Cullin Hamm

Great concept. Sell the future. We can still integrate this message without going completely away from current sales tactics. We should just weave in facts about how our “price” can benefit them “in the future”, and how our “features and benefits” can be true “future” benefits for the client.

Scott Green

The future is of the utmost importance. This is a great concept to use when talking to customers. I try and tell them all the benefits our services would give them, but I believe I will start using the word “future” when I talk about the benefits and what our service can do for them. I probably have been referring to the future when I talk to customers, however, I do believe that word itself, FUTURE, will make an even greater impact on what they are hearing.

Patsy "CiCi" Clements

"Politicians never like to talk about the past and very rarely address issues in the present, it's always the future. "I am your bridge to the 21st century". "Your door to the future."