60. How can you control the customers attitude?

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The thing that will have the greatest effect on how you communicate with your customers is your overall attitude towards them.

When we describe a particular prospect as obnoxious, offensive, antagonistic, hard to deal with and unlikable, it is very likely they feel the same way about us. However, when we describe a customer as being friendly, likeable and easy to deal with, it is also very likely that they feel the same way about us. Who is in control? Does anyone have the power to influence the way someone responds or feels towards another person?

Have you ever heard anyone make the following comments: "There sure are a lot of hard nosed, price shoppers in our business". On the other hand, have you ever heard anyone make this comment: "There sure is a lot of nice folks in our business". They are both right.

Closer examination of these two opposite opinions will normally reveal two different attitudes towards the people they do business with. They each see their customers from their own point of view. Their own personalities are revealed in their overall attitude towards people in general.

There are very few things in sales you have complete control over, however, what you think about people is something you can control. With the right attitude towards everyone you come in contact with you can stop being your own worst enemy and have them respond favorably to you.

Customers can actually feel the negative thoughts you have about them and they are nearly impossible to hide. People can also feel the positive thoughts you have about them.

People have become less trusting of companies, or someone representing a company, trying to sell them something. Many people have been treated badly, or taken advantage of, on more than one occasion resulting in a defensive attitude. Don't let this get in your way of taking control.


It is important to remember that even the meanest, aloof and grouchy customer has to buy from someone.  Usually they know how they are.   The more often you see them and interact in a positive manner, the better chance you have to sell them something.    I think more often than not, deep inside they are rooting for you.
James Ruth

I have a new account, a customer very active in growing his business and very aggressive about pricing on certain specific items. He works very hard, is very scattered and requires me to be “jump-through-the-hoop” responsive to him and his needs.

I’ve shown him through the course of our relationship that I am willing to match him hour for hour, call for call, need for need.

He appreciates my efforts and responsiveness and has actually begun to confide in me with detailed business problems and even personal issues.

This customer actually told me when we began doing business that he would “never rely solely on one vendor” and that “your company is too small and lacking”. I took that as a shot across the bow. Over the following several months of our relationship he has seen me gain access to every item he needs to run his business, be competitive in pricing with the “giants” and above all, service every need he came up with. He knows exactly what I am doing because I have repeatedly told him that my company is the only company he will ever need…and eventually will be the only company he does business with. He is actually working with me to see that happen.

The key to this customer? Essentially, I mirrored his attitude and let him see that.

Chris Chase

A salesperson is not allowed to indulge himself by displaying his negative mood or thoughts. That goes totally against the sales process. People want to feel good and if you can lift their spirits they will gravitate to you. When I approach a customer with a scowl on his face I take it as a challenge and I try to smile a lot while we are talking. Most of the time, by the end of the conversation, the person will be smiling back at me. Occasionally, there is someone who scowls more the more I smile. I usually leave at that point.

Crocker Smith

Having a bad/negative attitude can be seen by everyone; co-worker, clients, prospects. Attitude is contagious. You may go to a client and upon your arrival they may be in a bad mood, but I believe that if I am positive and upbeat, I have the power to change their day. Wouldn’t you want to surround your self with people that make you feel good?

Lisa Lloyd

Going into a sales call with a positive attitude even if you like the prospect or not is always the right way to carry your presence. No matter what you think of them always let them think you are happy to be there.

Heath Blanchard

It’s all about confidence! Never let them see you sweat and check your attitude at the door, even with the most miserly customer. That said, don’t let them walk all over you just to appease them. You don’t want to set yourself up for an abusive relationship with your customer. There is a polite way to deal with antagonistic customers. Customers will respect a salesperson who knows how to deal with difficult or negative people and/or situations in a constructive way.

Marquesa Ortega

Approaching anyone with negative thoughts is a recipe for disaster, much less a potential customer. An open-minded approach and the expectation of receiving the same, as well as good communication, assist in “controlling” most situations. The basis for any relationship is respect, and the ability to understand the reason for attitudes – positive or negative.

Paulette Clarke

Very seldom are you going to get a customer on the first try. It takes time to build a relationship and time for them to size you up as a sales person. Little things that you make small talk with the customer about go a long way. Remember their kids name and ask about the big game they mentioned the last time you spoke. It shows that you pay attention and if you pay attention to the small things they feel secure that you will pay attention to the big ones as well. It is also very relaxing to a customer and they will feel at ease with you. You can control without being controlling.

Kathie Luttrell

I agree! I feel like nobody likes a salesperson! Here is where I can run the past few lessons together! 1. You have to have a good attitude! Most likely you won’t sell a thing with a bad attitude. 2. You have to make repeated visits and calls to get some name recognition, all the while presenting yourself in a positive, confident mood. 3. If you have a good attitude most of the time the prospect, cashier, server will emulate it.

Morgan Frazier

Mutual respect is what can make the difference in the business world. I know that I would have a hard time buying from someone that was negative and lacked confidence. With that being said it is difficult at times to be positive and confident. There are going to be times that as salespeople we might get down. But we need to realize that the people we are calling on aren’t just buying our service, they are buying us. Do they want to buy a confident well spoken us or do they want the person that looks like they are lost. We need to not only show respect for what our customers do but we need to respect what we do. So many times we let others opinions and answers influence how we feel about our positions. Lets have respect and confidence in our positions as salespeople. If there weren’t salespeople how would customers know what was available.

Brandon Sanchez

Perhaps we allow customers to walk over us because we are scared / nervous / lack the ability to show confidence and resolve and the customer is just doing his job at getting the best deal (at our expense)

I have seen where a mutual respect for one another creates a fantastic working and eventually personal relationship.

If I may draw a similarity to the bully and the timid boy in the school yard. Who does the bully go after the confident track star or the timid shy boy.

If the shy boy stands up to the bully and it may become not so pretty , many times the two become best friends.

Why ….Mutual Respect

Alex McQueen

"With the right attitude towards everyone you come in contact with you can stop being your own worst enemy and have them respond favorably to you."