47. Why do buyers have objections even if they are going to buy?

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Anyone who will not complain about price is not very interested in what we are selling.

When the average person thinks seriously about buying some article or service that costs real money, they think at once also of reasons for not buying it. This is true even if they have the desire to buy and have practically made up their mind to buy.

To understand objections and why they are raised, just look at yourself: Suppose you have been getting along in your tiny 3 bedroom home, and suppose your earnings are good and you have the money to buy a better house. Then suppose a real estate friend calls, tells you about this great house that just came on the market.

You say to yourself, "I really don't need a new house. I'm getting along all right with the old one. It's foolish to spend this money right now - I might need it for something else.... On the other hand, my house needs a new roof and some other repairs. It may not be safe....Then again, why should I buy THIS house? I saw one Sunday and it looked pretty good to me ... Of course, I want to stay in the neighborhood ... still, that house was mighty nice. Then there's the new addition on the other side of town.... I wonder what my wife/husband will think about buying a new house? He or she is not so hot about spending money.

You can see how easy it is to come up with at least 5 objections before we get serious about making the purchase.

Always keep in mind that the buyer is comfortable dealing with the sales person and company they are buying from. To make a change requires assurances that you will be able to handle their business.

In the buyers mind it is easier to stay with their current supplier even if the prices and delivery are not exactly as they would like. That is why they have at least five objections that we must overcome before a prospect will feel sure enough to give us their business.

The point is you should always be prepared for the objections you know will come up. If you ever watch how a comedian works an intoxicated audience and overcomes the wise cracks they throw at the speaker you have to wonder how they are able to respond so quickly. Here is there secret. Every comment and wise crack has been anticipated. They practice and practice until their response sounds like it was thought up on the spot. We should do the same homework with the anticipated objections we KNOW always come up.

Here are the top 27 objections you will most likely run up against:

 1.  What makes you any different form my current supplier

 2.  I really don’t think much of your company

 3.  We’ve been doing all right without you

 4.  I’m tied up in a supplier contract

 5.  You don’t carry the items I need

 6.  I’m not interested in anything new

 7.  See me in a couple of months

 8.  I hear your company is having problems

 9.  I am not talking to anyone right now - business is down

10.  Your prices have always been too high

11.  $40 a case! You have to do better than that

12.  I have to run that by the owner

13.  If I pay that much - what will you do for me

14.  I have to have monthly terms to buy from you.

15.  I don’t care about anything but price

16.  I want a volume discount on this order

17.  I am SHOCKED at how high your price is

18.  I'm paying $10 - your price is $12 why should I buy yours

19.  Your competitor is a lot cheaper than you are

20.  It would be too much work to change suppliers

21.  Can I have a discount on the first order

22.  If I use you, I have to have a 6:00 am delivery

23.  I don't want to jeopardize the supplier relationship we have

24.  If I changed suppliers why would I be any better off

25.  I'm too busy to talk to you right now

26.  I'm buying from a friend

27.  I tried your company once and you screwed up the order


Another reason the buyer doesn’t want to pursue or entertain your proposal/pitch is that they subconsciously but immediately perceive evaluating you as a new supplier as more WORK! They are comfortable in their current routine/arrangement and now you are suggesting they do some extra work to see about possible CHANGE?

Doug Barringer

There are two types of objections that I usually experience: The standard, “I am not going to waste my time with you because I don’t need your product”  and “I need your product but there are some reasons that are keeping me from buying from you”. I believe the first category is tougher to overcome because you have to start from scratch and spark some interest from the potential customer which can be very difficult with the usual time constraints involved.
If the customer already has interest, they are a qualified buyer and you can begin the process of making the purchase easy for them by answering their objections individually. You have gone from “why would I buy this product?” to ‘why wouldn’t I buy this product?”. This is a very methodical process.

Crocker Smith

Objections are just our customer’s way of saying “I may be interested in what this person has to offer”. We in response should LISTEN CAREFULLY to what they are saying, suggesting, or whatever it is that they need to help them to overcome what they are really concerned about in their buying. Then, our job is to help overcome their doubts about buying by presenting the advantages. When the customer feels that we have listened to them, have been understanding of what their concerns are and ease those fears by sensibly presenting the ways they are going to benefit; then we have helped them to make the best decision logically and we both have won in the end. And, as salespeople we learn to carry that experience on in a future similar situation involving the same objection. We learn from every objection experience how to handle the situation better in the future. Practice makes perfect!

Brooke Knight

An objection can almost always be overcome if you can give the buyer just a few more reason to buy than they have already come up with on there own. Most people just need a bit of a nudge in the direction you want them to go. And with practice this will become a valuable and familiar tool in your sales tool box to which we should always be adding to and using.

Brian Spraggins

Objections are difficult at times because for so many when they hear an objection they think its rejection. An objection to me is the buyer asking me why my service is better than the one they are getting now. Its just one more way we can highlight what we do as to what everyone claims to do.

Brandon Sanchez

It’s only second nature to over analyze everything we do. Even when we know we want to buy something and we have found the one that we want, for some reason we have to justify to ourselves buying it. We need to show them why their investment is going to be worth it.

Matthew Thacker

The good thing about objections is that you either overcome them or learn something from it when you don’t overcome them. When your study the people you deal with and try to understand why the act the way they do will help you to figure out or learn how to handle them better the next time you come around them. I agree that every sales call you make is a learning opportunity into what makes sales people stronger.

Yessie Narvaez

Objections are natural and as you said expected. I am always faced with objections or questions. My goal is to anticipate the objections or questions and be ready with an answer that will satisfy the client. This is not always the case, unfortunately in sales there is no perfect guide to follow and every client will have different objections or questions. My philosophy is if at first you don’t succeed try, try again. Continue to be seen and even if they have gone to a competitor for now you want to be prepared for the moment that competitor slips up. Never accept defeat just wait and go back at a later time. Strength of character will shine through.

Kathie Luttrell

I wasn’t thinking of buying a house until my agent friend called me and put the idea into my head, therefore I really don’t need to purchase the house. Well from a buyers point of view about objections the cool headed response is to not purchase the house. When selling I don’t want to make anyone buy into anything that is not a good deal and that is something they don’t want!

Morgan Frazier

"Always keep in mind that the buyer is comfortable dealing with the sales person and company they are buying from. To make a change requires assurances that you will be able to handle their business."