32. When is the best time to make add on sales?
Beware of the person who agrees to your price too quickly, they may plan on asking for more.
If the buyer agrees to your price too quickly there is usually a request that will be close behind.
“That price sounds pretty good, I will take 100 cases."
"By the way can I have special terms on that?”
Another customer might agree to the price right away and ask for same day or next day delivery. From a buyers perspective this is called the “add on.”
Agree to the initial price and then as soon as the sales person starts ringing up their commission, drop the “add on” question. This is an also an excellent strategy for you to use as a sales person.
Once you have what you want in hand, there is a natural tendency to leave as fast as you can. Perhaps there is an unconscious fear that the customer will change their mind or cancel the order - just the opposite is true.
Once a person makes a decision, their mind works to reinforce the decision. By getting a small commitment first the buyer will start to justify the decision and it becomes easier, not harder, to add on additional items.
Why? Think about your own decision making process. Once you make a decision your mind does a search, similar to a computer doing a search for additional information. Your mind is looking for ways to justify the decision you just made.
For example. Lets say you have made the decision to buy a new house. The mortgage payment will be much higher - but you justify it by saying that the new house will have three bedrooms for the kids, a two car garage so you can park both cars inside, a better school district, a dining room so we can have the family over for holiday meals, etc.
Then you get the news that the mortgage didn't go through.
You now justify the fact that you will really be better off without the higher mortgage, the kids are fine sharing a bedroom, the two car garage isn't really necessary, the school district is not that bad and I didn't really want to have the in-laws over for holiday meals anyway.
There is always supporting information for whatever decision you make. Notice the next time you have to convince your husband, wife or family member that you made the right decision about an important family issue. Your mind will make a mental checklist of the pro's and con's. If you are “pro” watch how your mind will weigh the list in your favor - especially if you have already made a decision and a financial commitment.
Your customer's mind works the same way. This tactic is being used on you every time you buy a car. First the car sales person will get you to agree on color, then options, then an extended warranty, and before you know it you bought the car - one small piece at a time.
The last-minute add on involves throwing in an extra request (usually not so huge as to break the sale but big enough to hurt) at the final moment, just when you, the sales person, has put down your defenses and assumes you have a deal.
The add-on seems to go against a person's nature. “I got what I wanted, I better leave before he or she changes their mind.”
To successfully use this tactic, stick around a while. If you are selling multiple items, sell the first one. Wait a few minutes, sell the second one. Wait a few more minutes, sell the third one, and so on. Give the buyers mind a chance to justify their decision.
Remember, they are thinking, "I bought the first one - I might as well buy the second one. I bought the second one - I might as well buy the third one."
That is how little orders turn into big orders. It is like going into the grocery store and buying a chicken.
I bought the chicken - I better buy the potatoes - the salad - the rolls - the desert - and before you know it your shopping cart is full.
I was taught to get the order signed and leave as quickly as possible. Some sales people will want to hang around and socialize for a while but this can give “buyer’s remorse” time to kick in. If it happens when you are sitting in front of the customer it is very easy for him to retract or reduce his order. If you are not there he may feel that it is too late and start justifying his wise decision. However, I may have been leaving business business on the table by not adding something on immediately after he decided to buy.
Crocker Smith
I make my "add ons" during stages of my presentation. for example, "You will receive this service for $X dollars, Plus "add on, add on" at no additional cost." As we discuss more ideas and options I customize the "add ons" I fell would benefit that particular customer. The customer feels you are throwing something extra in!
Being on the other side of add on sales- Say you are about to close the deal when the customer throws in the extra request that cuts your commission half!! You must be able to justify with other benefits they are receiving as "no cost add ons" already. As sales people we are in it to make money, we just have to determine what we can take for the sale.
Brooke Knight
"It's a good strategy to have - but not advisable to do it all the time on the same customer or they will start to think that you are milking them. Be sure to only sell the customers what they want and/or need to grow their business. Sure, rolls are nice to have with a chicken dinner, but is it really necessary or critical to have? Over negotiating, or over selling your customer may also result in them looking for a new sales rep. This is once again a very delicate balancing act."
JoAnne Welch"
"Once you make a decision your mind does a search, similar to a computer doing a search for additional information. Your mind is looking for ways to justify the decision you just made."