6. How to guarantee your success in sales
Do you know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to fail in sales? It is impossible to persistently apply and reapply the principles of selling and fail. It can't be done!
Once again, the key is to persistently apply and reapply the principles of selling.
People don't fail because they are "not cut out" for sales. They fail because they are not willing to do the things successful people are willing to do.
Application of selling principles is the key. Many sales people talk a good game. They can tell you about the big sale they almost made, the hot new account they are working on, or the big sales goal they have. They can talk a good game with their customers as well.
"Sure, I will get back to you on that."
"Trust me, this is the product and program for you."
You know the type.
The person who continuously looks for new ideas and better methods of selling is the one who moves forward. The person who learns something new, applies it and reapplies it over and over until it becomes a skill. This doesn't have to be some "new" selling secret, it only has to be "new" to you. The basic principles of selling never change!
The person who DOES what he or she says they are going to do is the one who makes it in the long run.
Customers are not sold by empty promises made by sales people who are insincere. They are sold by a sales person who WEARS WELL. The person who looks for ways to show their customers how to make more money, how to sell more, how better manage their business, is the person who is not full of hot air and promises. They really don't SELL as much as they HELP CUSTOMERS BUY.
To be the type of person who wears well all you have to do is simply…
1. DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO. Don't be "All Sizzle and No Steak"
2. Apply what you learn and then reapply it again and again until it is automatic.
The toughest door to open is the one that gets you out of the house early and the toughest sale is the one we have to make to yourself. You have to convince yourself to do what you learn until you own the skill, to apply what may seem difficult at first.
There is no magic rabbit that you pull out of the hat and say "here is the secret of selling." There is no silver bullet that will win the sale every time.
It is impossible to persistently apply and reapply the principles you are learning and fail.
I am a new salesman in an industry full of competition. However, if I am tough, and competent, then I will succeed. Gene Kranz, a very tough and competent mission control director for the Apollo moon program created a list of Foundations for his teams that he displayed on the mission control room walls. One of the qualities he emphasized is Confidence, which he defined as “Believing in ourselves as well as others, knowing that we must master fear and hesitation before we can succeed”. This will be just one of the many methods that I will practice on my road to success.
Stephen Carney
From day one I have been told this, “do what you say you are going to do”. I have stuck to it and I still could not believe some of the reactions I have received when I came back the day and time I said I would. I may not know as much as the other guys on the streets but if I show an honest interest in that customers business, follow up, and do what I said I would then there is no way I will fail.
Jason Kirouac
Most business owners are under tremendous stress everyday, worrying about a multitude of different aspects of their company. Anyone who can remove some of this stress is highly valuable to them. If you gain their trust they can stop worrying so much about that one area. You become an ally and another positive step toward their success. They will reward you.
Crocker Smith
That says it all. People believe that if you are a salesperson then you have to be full of hot air or a good liar. That is simply not true. If you follow through on what you promise your customer you will get their business now and for a long time to come.
Brandon Sanchez
You are right….. There is NOT a silver bullet. (If there was; I would be skiing in Europe right now). Persistence comes pretty close. Calculate how many no’s it takes before you get a yes. Then with each No you are that much closer to your next sale.
A pleasing personality may get in the front door- your integrity will keep you there.
Teresa Cloninger
Just like a car salesman who tells you, you can have this car at this payment and when you get to the table the payment is not what he promised. This is the first indication that he does not have your best interest at heart. Which leads directly to mistrust! If you tell a customer that you can do some thing for them then do all in your power to get that do if you cant don’t say you can. It will make you and your Company look bad in that clients view and the word will spread. Saying things that aren’t true to your client just makes you look like your full of hot air. And an untrustworthy business associate. Apply what you learn to your business and do it on a daily bases and at some point it will began to work
Brian Spraggins
I have two rules that I live by when I am on the job, and they are also my pet peeves. The first one is I always return phone calls in a timely manner and I am real impatient with people who don’t. The second is focusing on the person or client I am with. There is nothing that upsets me more than trying to do business with someone and they are constantly answering their cell phone or distracted by other things when they should be taking care of the person sitting in front of them.
Vickie Reihl
I ALWAYS stand behind my word. If I promise you something I will come through with it. Whatever advice I get I practice it on a daily bases. As my father always told me “Practice what you preach.” I have found that to be so true. If you don’t practice and live by it where will you be in life? Would you be a successful business person? I believe we should be consistent on what we say and promise. If we practice what we preach to our customers we will have their business for a lifetime and they will be just as loyal to us as we are to them. I found if you are loyal and persistent it pays off! Then you will exceed your expectations.
Nina Hall
Follow up and follow through. I don’t believe there are any other aspects of much importance as these two in the selling business. They show the costumer you are concerned with more than just the short 15 minute sales meeting you may have had with them. It shows them that you care about what they want and it shows them that you take time out of your day to check in with them. Don’t make any promises that you aren’t 100% sure you can keep.
Matthew Thacker
My word is my bond – I will never promise something I’m not 100% sure I can deliver. Talking the talk and not walking is a personal pet peeve of mine and I think allot of people, specifically customers. Words are not impressive, action and follow-up makes the sell.
Danielle Antonacci